
Sunday, 26 February 2012

Brewing Day 3

JD pitches the yeast & our work today is done (except the washing up!)

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Brewing Day 2

Bread, cheese & beer

they should keep our strength up for the rest of the day.

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Brewing Day

Fran & JD are here.

I've been too busy eating bacon cobs & having cappuccino & pastries to post.

We are now less busy sparging & drinking our first beer of the day.

More updates later if I remember.

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Friday, 3 February 2012


Better late than never - I've just sorted out my blogging app which had stopped working.

Anyway the beer was porter

It was enjoyed by everyone there, except Fran who rather liked the BAD cider.

If you weren't there the velociraptor drank yours.

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