
Saturday, 15 June 2013

Symposium 2

A very hoppy American style IPA


We're just pouring our first experimental BADPA.

6.2% of over-the-top hopness.

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Annual accounts statement

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Newark 6?

Sorry for any incoherent posts yesterday but it was a fine boozy afternoon. I feel a little weary today but otherwise OK. And I appear to have had a fault with my phone. Whatever number I typed in it came out as 6. It appears to have fixed itself this morning.

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Saturday, 1 June 2013

Newark 6

It's been a really good day. We are tired & emotional. Good night & god bless.

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Location:Linden Grove,Carlton,United Kingdom

Newark 6

We may be hammered but we know we've had a good night. Big up the scottish lads we've shared our evening with.
Until the next time.

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Newark 6

Another pint. Another period of nonsense

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Newark 6

Still on our fifth but it would be remiss of me to not show the scenery on this beautiful day.

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Newark 5

A magnificent beard & shite darts is keeping us entertained. I think we may stop for an additional pint in Just Beer.

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Newark 4

Just Beer for a sampler & a cheese board. Black Maria, Nigel's Brown Ale & Cotswold Lion Best in Show.

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Newark 3

We've not moved far, from the Castle to The Mayze. The beer selection is Doom Bar or Doom Bar but we'll only be here for one.

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Newark 2

Pub number two is The Castle.

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Newark 1

Our first pint is on a boat!

Bad Trip to Newark

We're on the train. There's just 4 of us but it's quality not quantity that counts. Even with beer. Sometimes.

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